Cellulite – ESME Esthétique


(514) 825-5471

Cellulite in brief

Cellulite is a condition that affects the texture of the skin, usually on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms. Cellulite is a wrinkling caused by connective tissues under the skin pulling it inward.

Cellulite occurs when there is poor blood and lymph circulation, especially in the legs. Cellulite could be described as a toxic condition of the body, a combination of unevenly distributed fat deposits, fluids and waste in the subcutaneous layers that put pressure on the underlying connective tissues.

At ESME ESTHÉTIQUE, we offer a treatment plan to combat cellulite by combining our state-of-the-art machines and cellular stretching®. The choice of a cellulite treatment plan depends on the needs, expectations and desired results. Discover our solutions offered in the clinic.

Cellulite treatments

Starvac’s DX Smart is a European cellular stretching® device offering high-quality body care. It firms the skin and activates elastin fibers to reduce the appearance of orange peel skin.


Ask our experts!

It’s important to have an initial consultation with one of our certified estheticians before beginning a treatment plan. This consultation allows us to assess your acne type and discuss the treatment options best suited to your specific case.

Make an appointment now!

A consultation with one of our experts will help you determine which technique is best suited to your needs.

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