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Why is it so important to protect your skin from the sun?

Why is it so important to protect your skin from the sun?

Summer is officially upon us and the sun is definitely shining, especially this year! The weather is nice and everyone wants to play outside. Besides, we all know that vitamin D is good for us, right? Of course we do. But it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun. And we explain why in detail in this post.

Protecting your skin from the sun: for your health above all

It’s no secret that the best reason to protect your skin from the sun is to prevent skin cancer. About 65% of skin cancers caused by UV rays can be prevented simply by being vigilant when exposed to the sun.

Many people wrongly believe that they are not at risk, for various reasons. Living in a country in the northern hemisphere, having darker skin, regularly exposing oneself to the sun or going to tanning salons in the winter to “have a foundation” does not protect anyone from the risk of skin cancer.

No one is completely safe from the dangers of the sun. In Canada, the sun’s rays are powerful enough to cause skin cancer, premature skin aging and eye damage. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and it is also one of the easiest to prevent.

Canadian Cancer Society

Protect the appearance of your skin

Beyond health issues, we also want to protect our skin from the damage that the sun’s rays can cause to its appearance. Indeed, the sun causes premature aging of the skin when it is unprotected. The first sign of skin aging is what is called pigment spots or “age spots”. They are caused by the hyperproduction of melanocytes in the epidermis. Thinning of the skin, various lesions, purpura and wrinkles are other symptoms that the skin is aging. The sun aggravates and accelerates the appearance of all these symptoms. (Source: Doctissimo)

Nobody wants to see their skin age quickly! It’s best to protect it from the sun properly, and here’s our advice on how to do this.

How to protect your skin from the sun properly?

The most logical way to protect yourself from the sun is to seek shade. You can use an umbrella, a parasol, an awning, a gazebo, a covered terrace, the shade of a tree or look for other shaded spaces.

Did you know? If you can see the sky from where you are, even if you are in the shade, UV rays can be reflected off surfaces around you and reach you. (Source: Canadian Cancer Society)

Wearing a hat, covering clothing and sunglasses are also great ways to protect your skin from the sun. Whether it’s spring, summer, fall or even winter, there are hats and sunglasses for every style and season!

Did you know? Clothing protects the skin better than sunscreen, if it is made of a tight enough fabric. (Source: Canadian Cancer Society)

That said, it goes without saying that we want to protect ourselves from the joys of summer without remaining completely covered from head to toe! It’s summer and it’s also swimsuit time! When it comes to exposing our skin directly to the sun, it becomes essential to use a good sunscreen. There are several types, whether mineral or chemical. You can read our post on this subject.

How to use sunscreens correctly

When skin is not adequately protected from the sun, UV rays cause irreversible damage. This is why it is essential to choose a good sunscreen and apply it sufficiently and frequently, especially when swimming.

We have a whole range of sun products for sale in our online store as well as on site! Coola products are pleasant to use, of incredible quality and with the most exotic scents!

A promotion to celebrate this!

Shop online at our store and use the promo code SOLEIL2021 to get 10% off all your purchases between June 18 and 24, 2021 inclusive!


And enjoy the summer, well protected!

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